Date: November 15, 2017
Hey-ooo. Can you believe it’s actually Wednesday already?
I’m writing today to officially say the spring rolls have been restored to their former glory. Obviously, this is with a “post-texture change” asterisk, but nevertheless, I’m sleeping a little easier knowing I can be-bop in and get a healthy dose of rolls whenever I please.
The decision to write you was not taken lightly. In fact, I’ve been suspicious I was just getting lucky. To be sure, I’ve ordered spring rolls four times over the past three weeks at various times of the day with my evening orders being the case control study.
Additionally, I’ve been there with Lulu’s first timers and have asked each of them, in a nonchalant way, what they thought about the spring rolls. Lulu’s Spring Rolls have received three thumbs up. I guess it would actually be six thumbs since there were three people, but I’m sure you can see the the table I’m setting here.
On my most recent trip, I was there with a nationally recognized food writer and we feasted on not four, but eight spring rolls. I actually ate seven of them, but whatever.
So, that’s it for now. I’ll leave you with this. As William Wordsworth said in his 1804 Imitations of Immortality Based on Recollections of Early Childhood, “Another Race Hath Been, And Other Palms Are Won”
Lulu’s spring rolls are once again deserving of palms, praise and other culinary accolades.
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